The Akron Garden Club seeks to restore, improve and protect the quality of the environment through programs and action in the field of conservation.

We advocate for environmental issues at the federal, state and local levels consistent with The Garden Club of America’s position papers, which articulate broad goals for advocacy efforts in the public policy arena. We educate our members and the community in the philosophy of recycle, reuse and restore. We advocate the use of native plants and encourage the avoidance and removal of invasive plants. We recognize and honor local and regional conservation leaders.

We have supported conservation education, providing annual scholarships for the four-day overnight immersive program at the Cuyahoga Valley Environmental Education Center, where elementary and junior high students discover the diversity of plant and animal life in the national park. We have provided scholarships to sixth graders for the Friends of Metro Parks  Outside is In program in partnership with Akron Public Schools.

We support and collaborate with local partners in restoring, improving and protecting the environment, including the City of Akron, Cleveland Botanical Garden, the Conservancy for Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Friends of the Crooked River, Friends of Metro Parks, Keep Akron Beautiful, the Native Plant Society of Northeast Ohio, the Nature Conservancy (Ohio Chapter), the Ohio Environmental Council, the Ohio Natural Areas and Preserves Association, Scenic Ohio, Secrest Arboretum, Summit Metro Parks and The Trust for Public Land.

Wild Northern Monkshood Preservation Effort