Along the Cuyahoga River, 2022 Club Flower Show

Coming Soon!

Details about the next Akron Garden Club Flower Show, anticipated to be presented in 2025 in

celebration of the club’s centennial

The Cuyahoga River came to life in the form of flowers when Akron Garden Club presented Along the Cuyahoga River, a Garden Club of America (GCA) club flower show, with entries in floral design and horticulture. The show was held June 27-28, 2022, at Happy Days Lodge in Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP).

The purpose of the flower show was to set standards of artistic and horticultural excellence;broaden knowledge of horticulture and floral design; and share the beauty of a show with fellow

club members and the public. The show took inspiration from the natural beauty of the national park.

Highlights included a dozen floral designs in three classes inspired by picnicking in the park, the river’s water, and hiking the park’s trails. The show also featured 11 classes of container gardens and seasonal cut horticultural specimens from local gardens, including hosta, roses, hydrangea, shrubs, trees, perennials, and biennials.

National park leaders and GCA-accredited judges awarded ribbons and honors on June 28. Candy Grisi received Best in Show in floral design. Robin Hardman won Best in Show in Horticulture.

Best in Show in Floral Design.
Photo by Fern MacMillan

Best in Show in Horticulture.Design.
Photo by Fern MacMillan

Along the Cuyahoga River, 2022 Club Flower Show

Awards Press Release